Saturday, September 13, 2008

17 days left

I knew my time in Wi would fly, but I had no idea how fast. I have to be out of my little nest at the B & B by Tues. the 23rd because the apartment was already rented for CranFest. I guess CranFest is this areas main event, I can't wait to see it. I will be staying with a college from the VA who happens to be good friends with Suzanne who runs the B&B. She manages the kitchen at the VA so I've gotten to know her pretty well. She has an extra room and her house is within walking distance from work. I will be staying with she and her husband for about a week before leaving on the cross country treck.

The itinerary for the trip is done! CLICK HERE FOR THE MAP
I'm planning to get into SLO on Monday night. For those of you I haven't told, I'm traveling with a friend from Ohio named Aaron. I'm bringing a real-live mid westrener back for show and tell.

In other news I finally get to start doing Modified Barium Swallow Studies!! I have been waiting since day for a memory chip to make the system run, yes a memory chip that I could have bought at Walmart, just waiting for the buracratic paperwork to go through. I'm doing two a day until I leave to try and make up for the back log.

Here are some pictures from the beautiful Wisconsin country side, the leaves are already starting to change!
From Beautiful Wi Fall day

From Beautiful Wi Fall day

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